Bradley Bay Health Center
Bradley Bay Health Center
605 Bradley Road
Bay Village, Ohio 44140
The 33 assisted living suites at Bradley Bay Health Center offer complete independence and the security of knowing a competent medical team is close at hand when needed. All residents enjoy the privacy of their own apartment, in a beautifully appointed setting, designed to meet the needs of older individuals.
Accommodations in the assisted living suites include many amenities and services. Meals, housekeeping, and linens are included with the suite. Transportation services provide access to surrounding communities. All utilities, including local telephone and cable connections, are provided for each suite. The Center's nursing staff responds when one of the three emergency buttons located in each suite is pressed. Staff also provides light medical attention, such as supervision when taking medication. The Center's Activity Department organizes a wide variety of events so that all residents can remain active and enjoy their leisure time.
Bradley Bay Health Center offers many additional services and amenities specifically for the residents of the assisted living suites, in addition to the services provided for the entire center. All of the health care services offered at the nursing facility are available as outpatient services for the assisted living residents. This continuum of care and convenience is a comfort to the residents and their families.
