Cost Calculator And Consumer Checklists
Choosing An Assisted Living Residence:
A Consumer’s Guide
Cost Calculator And Consumer Checklists
The following checklists will be useful in evaluating assisted living residences during a visit. The most important consideration is that each resident has different needs, preferences, desires and financial resources that should be taken into account in choosing an appropriate residence. Remember that you cannot change the resident to fit the residence. Select the residence that best meets the needs of the resident.
The assisted living calculator provides help for estimating the monthly cost. Although residences charge different fees and provide a variety of different services, this list is provided to prompt the consumer to think about the financial costs and assist in planning for the future.
Assisted Living Cost Calculator
Family and prospective residents may use this worksheet in estimating the monthly cost of needed services. Not all items may be applicable to your situation. Space is provided to add items not covered in this calculator.
$_______ Entrance and/or Initial Assessment Fee
$_______ Selected Unit and Basic Service Package
$_______ Cost for Meals
$_______ Cost for Housekeeping
$_______ Cost for Personal Laundry Service
$_______ Cost for Linen Service
$_______ Cost for Medication Management or Assistance
$_______ Cost for Personal Care Assistance (bathing, dressing, eating, etc.)
$_______ Cost for Recreational Field Trips
$_______ Cost for Transportation
$_______ Cost for Telephone Service
$_______ Cost for Cable Television
$_______ Beauty Shop Charges
$_______ Other Charges
$_______ Other Charges
$_______ Other Charges
$_______ Total Estimated Monthly Charges
