Omni West Assisted Living
Omni West Assisted Living
3259 Vestal Road
Youngstown, OH 44509
Omni West Assisted Living is accepting participants of the Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Program. Eligible participants must be a current nursing home resident or existing Medicaid waiver participant. In addition, the participant must meet the financial criteria for Medicaid eligibility. Click here to request more information on the Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Program, contact Omni West Assisted Living
West Haven Memory Care Unit is located within Omni West and is designed for memory impaired residents. Residents enjoy the privacy of their own apartment as well as the companionship of staff members and other residents. Residents of West Haven enjoy daily recreational activities, a secured outdoor courtyard and much more.
Tours are available on a daily basis and short term respite stays are welcome.
Many services are provided at Windsor House at Omni West including:
* Personal Care
* Outdoor Courtyard
* Nursing Staff, 7 Days a Week
* West Haven-Alzheimer's/Dementia Care
* Personal Laundry and Housekeeping
* Meals - Snacks
* Transportation to Doctor Appointments
* Emergency Call System
* Respite/Hospitality Stays
* Small Pets Welcome
* Recreational/Social Programs
* Free Cable Television
