Sunset Village
Sunset Village

9640 Sylvania-Metamora
Sylvania, Ohio 43560
419.724.1201 fax

Daily life at Sunset Village has variety and spontaneity that we are certain you'll find irresistible. At our newest home we enhance living environments in many creative ways. As an Eden Alternative Community, Sunset Village gives residents and staff the opportunity to care for plants and pets, and have regular interactions with children of all ages.

Our approach to living focuses on helping each other to grow by caring for and about one another. Excellent clinical observation and treatment are essential, and an important part of our complete offering, but genuine human caring goes far beyond the limitations of medical treatment.

Sunset Village offers you several living options and gives you the freedom to enjoy all the pleasures of retirement. Whether you reside in one of the beautifully appointed apartments or require more care in one of the Village's neighborhoods, we take care of the unwanted tasks, making sure your time is yours to spend as you wish.
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