The Heritage Inn
The Heritage Inn
1069 Klotz Rd
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Telephone: (419) 353-3759
Fax: (419)353-5219
Administrator : Kelly Ebersbach
Heritage Inn Assisted Living is designed to provide supportive services to elderly and disabled individuals who need assistance in daily living skills. Our assisted living clients receive all meals and snacks, utilities, housekeeping, laundry and planned social activities. Twenty-four hour emergency care is available and our nursing staff provides monthly health maintenance.
* Staff members are on premises 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
* Three nutritious meals are provided daily in our dining room. Breakfast is served at 8 AM, lunch is at 12 noon, and supper at 5 PM. Room service and specialty meals provided at an additional charge per meal.
* Housekeeping is provided weekly to each individual apartment.
* Laundry service is provided daily.
* Utilities included are heat, electricity, cablevision, water, and sewer.
* Social Events are scheduled and posted monthly.
* All toiletries and linens are provided. Personal items such as hair spray, after shave, etc. are the responsibility of the client.
* The Heritage is a smoke free facility.
* An emergency call system is located in the bathroom and bedroom of each apartment, which activates a call light outside the apartment and in key areas of the campus. This system indicates to staff members that the client needs emergency help.
* The entire campus is equipped with an automatic fire suppression system (sprinkler system). In addition, there is an internal fire alarm system featuring smoke/heat detectors, and alarms.
All Information on this Site is the Exclusive Right of Heritage Corner © 2006
