Willow Brook Christian Home
Willow Brook Christian Home
55 Lazelle Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43235
614-885-8476 (Fax)
Assisted Living at Willow Brook Christian Home
Willow Brook Christian Home's assisted living located just north of Worthington, Ohio, has features unlike any other senior health facility in Central Ohio.
First, every room is private. No overheard talks or accommodating visitors you don't even know. No differing sleep patterns or conversational preferences. You set the tone in your own room.
Second, the dining experience is second to none.
Third, sunlight! Vaulted skylights in lounges and nooks, outdoor patios and terraces, windows and courtyards, all bring a cheerful, warm glow to the building and to the soul.
Fourth, continuing care is available if you need it in the adjacent all private room skilled nursing and rehab center.
And to make life easier, Willow Brook's all-inclusive rates (nursing, food, laundry, phone, cable and more are included in your monthly rate) mean no surprises at the end of the month.
It's the kind of home you want for someone you love.
Willow Brook Christian Home is welcoming new residents to its assisted living wing right now, and only a few rooms are still available.
Willow Brook Christian Home is known for the loving care of our long-term staff, the highest quality nursing and rehabilitation services anywhere, and the sense that you are respected, honored and loved. What a wonderful place to call home!
Copyright ©2004 Willow-Brook.org
